DroneDeploy.org Speaker Series: Regenerative Agriculture

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December 14, 2022
Interested in mapping sustainable land use? This webinar will discuss best practices for utilizing drones to better understand and manage for healthy landscapes. Learn how to get the best map products for communication across the growing season and how to analyze unique datasets. How drones and 360 cameras are creating value on farmland and rangeland Using remote sensing data throughout the growing season to inform decisions Best practices for mapping and 3D-modeling flights of forest environments How to get an edge on sustainable land practices with reality capture tools Use cases and examples from nonprofits, NGOs and the agriculture industry


Rebecca Lehman
Social Impact Program Manager, DroneDeploy

Rebecca finds innovative ways to leverage technology in addressing social and environmental problems. At DroneDeploy she manages both the nonprofit and education programs. She works with nonprofits and social impact organizations to enable the power of mapping and new technology to reach those who need it most. She has a master's degree in Environmental Management from the Yale School of the Environment.

Nick DiDomenico
Executive Director, DAR

Hailing from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Nick is a regenerative designer, farmer, and builder. Inspired by indigenous culture and ancient farming practices, he works passionately to design the future of living systems. In 2015, Nick began farming on a barren and desertified 14-acre parcel of land in rural north Boulder County, now called Elk Run Farm, and the pilot research project for Drylands Agroecology Research (DAR). Today, Nick is working to develop climate change solutions through regenerative farming, working with private and public landowners across Boulder County.

Mary and Andrew Tuttle
Co-Founders, Edge Perma

Mary Marshall and Andrew Tuttle own and operate Redtail Edge Design, offering ecological landscapes and farm design services. They are launching a new regenerative farm education project, Edge Perma. Using drones and virtual reality software, they aim to revolutionize online farm education by developing advanced virtual tours of established farms.

Ethan Leonard
Solutions Engineer, DroneDeploy

Ethan is a Solutions Engineer with DroneDeploy. He grew up in a small town in rural Ohio and worked on farms as a child. He has experience as a farmhand, mostly roguing and detasseling. Ethan studied Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Remote Sensing at University of Cincinnati and specialized in drones and spatial analysis. He has 5 years of experience as a partner in a drone-based geospatial consulting start-up and 1 year at Kespry, a volumetrics drone-based aerial intelligence platform.

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