How to Scale Your Agricultural Drone & Geospatial Program

Tune into our conversation with Beck's Hybrids

June 10, 2021
Just as the agricultural sector requires a holistic approach for best yields, the most successful drone programs cover every aspect of the business; from building customer relationships, identifying management opportunities, and quantifying the success of in-season activities. A variety of aerial data, as well as the analytical tools to process and report on that data, can add value across a farm’s lifecycle. In this webinar, we’ll discuss: Incorporating unique data to identify longer-term opportunities Building greater transparency into processes with automated report functionality such as stand assessments


Jim Love
Robotics and Herbicide Specialist, Becks

Jim has 25 years of industry experience at Becks, ranging from operating a planter and combine, to his current role as a Light Robotics Manager and Herbicide Specialist. Jim was instrumental in implementing the use of GPS for the application of fertilizer, lime and pesticides. In the early 90’s Becks began to experiment with crop health imaging from a satellite platform and then on to manned flight systems for data collection. Recent experimentation has centered on the use of UAVs to gather the same data in real time.

Anna Schneider
Product Marketing, DroneDeploy

Anna Schneider is on the Product Marketing team at DroneDeploy. She studied environmental science in school and has worked on multiple farms in the Bay Area. She has been working in ag-tech since 2014 and specializes in agriculture use cases for aerial data.

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